Library » Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books  

Mighty Book Person
What is it?
A national reading incentive program where individual students read 5-10 books minimum from a pre-selected list of thirty books. Students then compete in teams of 4-6 students who “Battle” teams from other schools by answering questions about the books on the reading list.
What is a Battle?
Students answer questions as a team about the books on the Battle of the Books reading list. Students will read books on the list from June through March or April  when the official Battle will take place.
How do I get the books?
The books will be available for check out at the Holmes M.S. Library starting each year. You may also get them at the public library or buy them at most books stores. The list of books is available in the Holmes M.S. library.
How do we prepare for the Battle?
Read as many books as you can from the book list. When you have formed a team, decide which books each person on the team will read. It is a good idea to plan to have at least two people on your team read each book. You don’t have to form a team to join the program. Take some notes as you read the book so you can review your notes. Practice by writing questions and answers on each book that you read. Write a summary of each book you read. Also, we will have meetings beginning January through March to practice answering questions before the battle.
What is the format of the Battle?
Teams will be asked the questions “In what book did _________________ (happen)?” You will have some time to discuss the answer with your team. Then, the team captain will give your answer. If you get the right answer your team gets five points. If your team can name the author, your team will get an additional two points.
What does the teams with the most points win?
Prizes or medals will go to the teams and the schools with the most points. On the Saturday of the official Battle you will get breakfast and lunch. Additionally, everyone will get a certificate for participating.
How do I sign up?
Fill out an official entry form and have it signed by your parent. Give the completed form to Ms. Albaeck.