Holmes MS Policies » Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/Smart Watches/AirPods/Speakers) Policy

Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/Smart Watches/AirPods/Speakers) Policy

Electronic Devices (Cell Phone/Smart Watches/AirPods/Speakers, etc.) Policy
All electronic devices are the sole responsibility of the student. Holmes will not be responsible for investigating lost or stolen items. Cell phones/electronic devices must be stored out of sight (stored in backpack - not physically on them) and turned off (NOT ON VIBRATE MODE) during the entire school day – this includes the passing period. Students may use their cell phones only in the Main Office during break and lunch under adult supervision. Students should not have their cell phones out when visiting the restrooms or while in the locker room. Smart watches must be on airplane mode only during the entire school day. '
Wired/wireless earbuds and headphones may not be worn at all during the school day.
Students are not to bring bluetooth speakers on campus. Students who violate this policy will have their device confiscated by a staff member and brought to the Dean’s Office. Confiscated items will be returned as follows:
  • 1st offense – parents will be notified, and the device will be returned to the student after school.
  • 2nd and subsequent offense(s) – parents must pick up the device from the Dean.
  • NOTE: There may be times when personnel will not be available to retrieve phones for parents until after 3:15 p.m.