LAUSD COVID Vaccination Requirements
- District Mandate: students 12 and over must be fully vaccinated to continue with in-person instruction by January 10, 2021, unless they qualify for exemption
- First dose by November 21, 2021
- Second dose by December 19, 2021
- Vaccine Locations
- Holmes Vaccine Mobile Unit: November 4 and December 2, from 12:00-6:30 pm
- Local District Northwest Sites and Local District Northeast Sites (Click on the tabs at the bottom to access different dates)
- Upload your child’s vaccination proof through the Daily Pass Dashboard INSTRUCTIONS or VIDEO
- LAUSD Webpage:
Upcoming Events for all students who have their vaccination information uploaded on the Daily Pass will receive:
- Ongoing... raffles for gift cards (Starbucks, In-N-Out, Jamba Juice, movie tickets, etc.)
- November 12: Pizza after school
- November 19: Kona Ice after school
- Stay tuned for more!!!