English Language Learners » Reclassification Requirements

Reclassification Requirements

English Language Learners & Reclassification

Students in kindergarten through grade twelve whose home language is not English are required by law to take an English skills test. In California, the test is called the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment California).

This test helps schools identify students who need to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. Schools also give the test each year to students who are still learning English.

Reclassification Requirements

English Learners must test:
Criteria for Grades 6th grade - 9th grade
  • ELPAC overall score of 4  
  • 6th Grade Elementary Students Progress Report Card Marks of 3 or 4 in ELA
  • 6th – 9th Grade Secondary Students Grade of C or better in a grade-level English or LTEL class (9th gr- A-G credit only)
  • Basic score on the Scholastic Reading Inventory College & Career
  • Parent Consultation and Approval
Criteria for Grades 10th grade - 12th grade
  • Overall score of 4 or 5; scores of 3 or above on CELDT in Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.
  • Grade of C or better in an English or LTEL class  (A-G credit only)
  • Passing score on Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
  • Parent Consultation and Approval