arc Mission Statement:
arc is an after school and experiential education provider. We create transformational opportunities that empower youth to realize their full potential.
arc is a free program. Students participating in the program must complete 12 to 15 hours a week. In order to complete the required hours the students must stay until 5:30pm everyday.
A variety of activities are offered in sessions of 6 weeks. Activities culminate with a showcase put together by the students for the parents. We offer activities such as cooking, Ceramics, Science, Football, & Soccer. Activities may vary every session.
arc also offers programs such as:
The Life Saver Program, an anti-tobacco program that teaches students about the importance of living a tobacco & drug free life. Program is offered twice a year.
MTAC (Middle School Take Action Campaign) is an after school leadership program. The group is designed to help students grow as individuals by participating in different activities that involve team building and helping others.
G.O.A.L.S. (Great Outdoor Adventure Leadership Series) This program consists of five on-campus workshops that take place once a week, directly after school. The workshops are designed to:
- Identify your student’s leadership style
- Grow communication skills
- Teach conflict resolution and problem-solving in a team setting
- Help students gain confidence in public speaking and working in teams
Workshops will take place in both indoors and outdoors settings, and will consist of a mix of group work, team-building games, problem-solving challenges, and focused classroom learning.
Site Coordinator: Alexa Guzman
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: (818) 813-0764
Program Hours: Last Bell to 6:00pm
arc Office: Parent Center
Free Supper: M/W/Th/F 3:10pm Tue. 2:00pm