Beyond the Bell (Youth Services)
It is our firm belief that every child and youth has a need and a right to participate, in the presence of a responsible, caring adult, in engaging activities that support achievement and promote social, emotional, and physical development beyond the regular school day.
The Beyond the Bell (BTB) Branch Youth Services Section provides an after school safe haven for children in grades 2-8. Trained supervisors plan and conduct the program each day after school for children at nearly all Los Angeles Unified School District elementary and middle schools. This program is provided free-of-charge to participants.
The program operates from the time of school dismissal until the posted closing time to better meet the recreational and supervision needs of children, as well as those of working parents. Additionally, expanded program hours may be provided on minimum and shortened days to provide safe and supervised activities. At selected single-track calendar schools, we operate an extended program during the summer months.
Youth Services currently operates after school playground programs at 564 elementary and middle schools and serves an average of 42,000 children daily. The goals of the program are to provide wholesome, supervised enrichment, fitness and sport activities in safe neighborhood environments. The program emphasizes physical fitness that develops basic movement skills, strong and healthy bodies, teamwork, sportsmanship, cooperative social skills and activities that reinforce the skills learned in the regular instructional program. In addition, the tenets and teaching model of the national CHARACTER COUNTS! program is implemented to instill and reinforce the back-to-basics effort to build good character in our youth.
Youth Services is a permissive program where participants arrive and leave at their own discretion. The elementary school playground program is for elementary school students in grades 2 through 5 (or the last grade at the elementary school site). Students in first grade, Kindergarten or earlier are not permitted to participate in the program. The middle school playground program is for students in grades 6-8. The Youth Services program is open only to students attending the school where the program is located (or students who are transported to/from the site). Participation in the Youth Services programs is a privilege, although eligible students are welcome. Participants must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with rules and regulations of the school. Playground rules are posted. Students may lose the privilege of participating in the program at the discretion of site staff and with the approval of the site administrator.
Parents must sign an agreement with the Youth Services Program prior to their child being eligible to participate.
The daily program may include various sport and game activities.
In addition to the daily program, excursions to area venues, locales, attractions, and special events are also planned throughout the year.