Holmes MS Policies » Bicycle/Skateboard/Scooter Rules

Bicycle/Skateboard/Scooter Rules

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Bicycle/Skateboard/Scooter Rules:
Students who ride bicycles to school must observe the following rules:
  1. Bicycles may not be ridden on campus (this includes the sidewalk bordering the school campus).
  2. The bike rack is open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. and for 20 minutes at the close of school.
  3. All bicycles are to be locked as soon as they are placed in the rack in the bicycle compound. Each student's bicycle must be locked separately.  Under no circumstances are students to lock their bicycles together.
  4. All students, by state law, are required to wear safety helmets when riding a bicycle. Bicycles will be confiscated from students who ride them without wearing a helmet.
  5. No motorized vehicles are permitted on campus.
Skateboards and scooters may NOT be brought to school and will be confiscated. Skateboards, scooters and other wheeled devices (excluding bicycles) may not be kept in a locker or stored anywhere on campus during the school day.  The use of skateboards and other wheeled devices is prohibited on school campus and individuals may not carry them around with them while on school grounds. The sidewalk around the school is considered school grounds.  Skateboards may not be brought onto the school bus.