Holmes MS Policies » Health Office

Health Office

Students should obtain permission from the classroom teacher or other school personnel to go to the Health Office. In the event of an accident or an emergency, students should report to an adult, who will refer the student to the Health Office for assistance.  If the student cannot find a teacher, he/she should go directly to the Health Office. If a student becomes ill, the student should report his/her illness to his/her teacher, who will send the student to the Health Office with a pass.
Special Circumstances Requiring a Physician’s Note:
  1. Return from absence due to a contagious disease.
  2. Any injury that necessitates a cast, Ace bandages, slings, or crutches at school.
  3. When a student must take medication at school, the medication must be left with the Nurse in the Health Office and the appropriate form filled out by the physician and parent. 
  4. Students with severe asthma.
  5. Return from being hospitalized or admitted for suicidal ideation.